Lifeboard Mastery


Life Dashboard

Personal Development

Lifeboard Mastery
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Lifeboard Mastery 🤩

📈 Advance your Projects

The Lifeboard turns every project into a hub where you can manage notes and goals related to that particular project. It’s all under one roof. The linked databases let you bring together information from around your workspace.

🌟 Balance all of your Life Areas

Each area of your life turns into a mini dashboard, which contains everything related to that area. All your projects, resources, goals, and vision for that area can be visualized and tracked at once.

📚 Organize your Knowledge

Save the best articles, summaries, podcasts, newsletters, and notes into your personal knowledge collection. You will be able to create actionable checklists and templates to make your life richer and easier.

🎯 Align your Goals and Vision with your Daily Life

No matter how quickly and effectively you accomplish your goals, moving in the wrong direction leads you to failure ultimately. Use the Northstar and Overview databases to align all your goals and actions to your life purpose.

Master your Personal Productivity in one Dashboard.

This life dashboard template is meant to be a map of your whole life in Notion. One dashboard creates an overview of all your projects, life areas, resources, goals, and life purpose. It's the personal life productivity system that you need for continuous progress in your projects, goals, knowledge expansion, and life purpose.

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We help you organize knowledge, so you can lead with wisdom.

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Notion wizard.